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ISBN/EAN: 9781844568543
Hong Kong. The British administration is preparing to hand the capitalist colony back to Communist China with the minimum of fuss. But Colonel Joel Tyler has other plans for the British colony, plans which involve four Vietnam War veterans and a spectacular mission making use of their unique skills. Vietnam was the one thing the four men had in common before Tyler moulded them into a team capable of pulling off a sensational robbery. But while the vets are preparing to take Hong Kong by storm, their paymaster, Anthony Chung, puts the final touches to an audacious betrayal. At stake is the future of Hong Kong . . .
Autor: Stephen Leather
EAN: 9781844568543
eBook Format: ePUB
Sprache: Englisch
Produktart: eBook
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20.08.2009

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