Star Runners: Mission Wraith

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ISBN/EAN: 6610000090129

The enemy created the best starfighter in the galaxy. Now he's going to steal it.

Star Runners are dying. Lurking in the darkness, the expansion faction of the Zahl Empire has an innovative threat confronting the Tridents of the Galactic Legion of Planets.

After surviving pirate attacks and battling threats to Earth, Austin Stone already knows better than most the perils in the universe as he boards a carrier for his first official assignment in a starfighter. Soon after his tour begins, a mysterious spacecraft strikes fear in the hearts of all Star Runners and could catapult the factions into a galactic war.

Dealing with plunging morale and missing comrades, Austin has to cope with the fact they are meeting an enemy they cannot defeat. But perhaps the Legion could find another way to engage the new and deadly adversary ...

Featuring nail-biting intergalactic espionage and exhilarating dogfights in space, Star Runners: Mission Wraith is the third entry to the Star Runners Universe: a collection of space adventure books.

Autor: L.E. Thomas
EAN: 6610000090129
eBook Format: ePUB
Sprache: Englisch
Produktart: eBook
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 23.12.2015

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