First Names: Ferdinand (Magellan)

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ISBN/EAN: 9781788451130
Meet FERDINAND Magellan, the swashbuckling 16th century explorer who masterminded the first ever voyage to sail round the world and 'discovered' many new lands (even though loads of people already lived there!).Find out:- Why he was hated by royals and sailors alike,- Why he made one of his sailors dance with a giant- And how he was saved by a pot of jam!Get to know FERDINAND on First Name terms.

Candy Gourlay is a Filipino author based in the United Kingdom. Her debut novel Tall Story won the National Children's Book Award of the Philippines in 2012 and the Crystal Kite Award for Europe in 2011. She is also the author of Bone Talk, which was shortlisted for the Costa Award and Carnegie Medal.Tom Knight is an illustrator and writer. When not drawing, he can be found trying to play various musical instruments or staring out at a boat in his front garden that he wishes he knew how to fix. He lives in England with his wife and their two sons.
Autor: Candy Gourlay
EAN: 9781788451130
eBook Format: ePUB
Sprache: Englisch
Produktart: eBook
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02.04.2020

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