Covenant of Genesis (Wilde/Chase 4)

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ISBN/EAN: 9780755372157
In the brilliant fourth book from Andy McDermott, Nina Wilde must battle the Covenant of Genesis if she is to find the world s greatest archaeological treasure...Off the coast of Indonesia, archaeologist Nina Wilde makes an explosive find: evidence of a settlement that existed over a hundred thousand years before any previously known civilisation. But when her ship is attacked, it becomes clear that the clandestine religious group calling itself the Covenant of Genesis will stop at nothing to prevent her from revealing this knowledge.With her fianc Eddie Chase, Nina embarks upon a dangerous worldwide search to expose the Covenant of Genesis and the incredible secret they will kill to conceal.
Autor: Andy McDermott
EAN: 9780755372157
eBook Format: ePUB
Sprache: Englisch
Produktart: eBook
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.10.2009

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