Cookbook: Names of Foods

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ISBN/EAN: 9783991259374
Know food recipes named after persons, places and events. How have dishes, we like now, ever acquired their names? Compare the special foods of bygone days to the popular ones nowadays. Serve food to entertain your guests and meals to nourish family members, with old recipes that have survived the passage of time. Celebrate your very own inventive style of cooking, patterned after some famous chefs. The book also offers a glimpse into historical menus, English and German cuisines and culinary writers.
Autor: Letisma Stockinger
EAN: 9783991259374
eBook Format: ePUB
Sprache: Deutsch
Produktart: eBook
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 15.02.2022
Untertitel: Culinary Eponyms

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